We would love your help!

Here’s how your donation can help: 

sponsors 1 kid for 1 week of the program

sponsors 1 kid for 8 weeks of the program

with us!

We are looking for people with interest and enthusiasm and we welcome your support. Please contact us if you would like to volunteer. Some specific areas of need are:

Help us get up-to-date on our social media presence, and help us prepare for the launch of a crowdsourcing campaign next year.

Social media know-how

We have a number of terrific supporters, but the more money we raise, the more we can do!

Fundraising help

Communications and marketing expertise

We want to get the message out about investing in youth over the summer in order to curb summer learning loss!

Let’s Talk!

......and we welcome conversations with people with fresh ideas. We love meeting all kinds of people who are interested in growing healthy kids.