The second summerlunch+ Community Lunch from Masooma

"I had heard and seen a few individuals working on or talking about the Summerlunch+ program prior to today, but only this afternoon did I actually witness it. Because it is not something you see or hear, it is something you witness. I'd like to clear up this common misconception that all this program does is provide fresh, nutritious lunches to campers that help them stay healthy and active throughout the day. Because, truly, I can assure you, it is so much more than that. It was the environment provided by these volunteers and staff members that filled me. The laughter that rang through the large room along with the exuberant smiles we were all graced with so often. The quirky rendition of the SpongeBob theme song, and the outrageous call outs of raffle ticket numbers were something that rivaled the delicious food placed on tables all over the room. It was the experience of weaving through tables that seated anyone and everyone, of all ages and walks of life that I'll remember long after this summer is over. And it had dawned upon me suddenly, then and there; breakfast may as well be the most important meal of the day, but camp had made sure that lunch was the undeniably the most fun."  

(Masooma, Thornclilffe Neighbourhood Office, Youth Centre Volunteer)


A Whole Summer Of Feeding Young Minds From Maliha and Amina


Community Lunch with summerlunch+